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Anxiously Awaiting Relief

My anxiety journey has been a long one. My postpartum started with anxiety and due to extreme anxiety I fell into depressive slumps (which is a while another story within its self). As for my anxiety I became anxious on a daily basis doing the most normal activities. At first it made it difficult to leave the house and it wasn’t until Lawson was around 4 months old that I left the house by my self. My anxiety had me so paranoid that something bad was going to happen. It was a constant fear for me that someone was going to take Lawson away from me and because of that we removed Lawson from all social medias. I had myself convinced that someone would see him online and stalk us and kidnap him. As I became more comfortable leaving the house, my anxiety shifted to being in a group of people. I remember going home for thanksgiving last year and being in the verge of tears because I was surrounded by so many people that it made me so anxious. Being a stay at home mom traveling with her husband I grew accustomed to it just being the 3 of us. Even going out with a few friends made me feel extremely anxious and withdrawn. 

I don’t always know what my triggers are and sometimes it’s the simplest events that send my anxiety soaring. However, I have been getting better managing this anxiety. See my list of techniques for a continued look at my anxiety journey as I explain my managing techniques.

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